Workshop Resources

Slides from workshop presentations below

NWP Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA

Link to slides (also embedded above): National Writing Project Annual Meeting: Composing Science
Composing Science book can be found at the TCPress and Amazon.

North Carolina State, Raleigh, NC

Link to slides embedded above.

Mark Hall’s “Some Givens: Things We Know For Sure About the Teaching of Writing…

Silent Science Lesson Plan

Miami University, Oxford, OH

“Using Writing Effectively in Science Classrooms” (open workshop for science faculty at Miami University)

In this workshop, Leslie Atkins Elliott (Boise State University, Physics and Curriculum & Instruction) and Kim Jaxon (Chico State University, Composition & Literacy) will share their approaches to writing in science, particularly the role of writing in developing scientific ideas and developing as scientific writers. They will familiarize participants with research in composition and make connections to writing in the sciences before introducing an approach to peer response called “Silent Science.”

Mark Hall’s “Some ‘Givens’: Things We Know For Sure About the Teaching & Learning of Writing from 40 Years of Research.”

Silent Science Lesson Plan

“Scientific Writing as Emergent from Scientific Activity” (Presentation and discussion with Geology and Environmental Science faculty)